Meet Messalonskee Middle School’s Principal, Sam Dunbar
Meet Messalonskee Middle School’s Principal, Sam Dunbar.
What was your greatest memory from last school year?
The 8th grade semi-formal dance was my favorite memory from last school year. It was incredible to see the support of some dedicated staff members and a group of motivated students to make the evening such a success. I always enjoy seeing our students dressed up and having a great time. In all my time at MMS, this is quickly becoming one of my favorite traditions. This past year was even more special as my daughter was an 8th grader.
What are you most looking forward to about this upcoming school year?
As with any school year I am most looking forward to seeing growth from all students and staff at MMS. It is amazing how much learning happens on purpose (and by accident) in the course of a day and year at MMS. I also truly look forward to welcoming in a new group of 6th graders. I am fortunate to know many of the students in this class already as my son is also a member of the class. We have a lot of fun at MMS and I look forward to what this year holds.
If you weren’t an administrator, what other profession would you be interested in?
My dream job has always been (and continues to be) to be the General Manager of a professional baseball team. I am a big fan of the Boston Red Sox, but I will work with whatever team will give me a shot as the General Manager! I love sports and I love putting the pieces together to make a successful team. This also happens to be one of my favorite parts of my job. I absolutely love doing the work to put the best possible staff in the best positions to be successful and support our amazing students.
Where’s your favorite place to explore?
My family recently traveled to Maui (we left just under a week before the wildfires) and that is now my new favorite place to explore. There are opportunities for new and different things around every corner there. It is such a beautiful place and we are hopeful that the island of Maui is able to recover from the fires and continue being the wonderful place that it is. Maine is also an amazing place with lots of room for exploration and that is something my family and I always look forward to.
Sweet, salty, or spicy snacks?
This is an interesting question. The answer of course is YES! In truth, it does depend on the day. However, if forced to choose I would probably go with salty. I’m not big into dessert as I usually find a lot of ways to eat plenty during the main meal.